Shea Moisture has this new line out that I had to try. One, because I love Shea Moisture. Two, I was looking for some new shampoos and conditioners to try out and three, this stuff smells soooooo good. It's the
Shea Moisture Tahitian Noni and Monoi Smooth & Repair line.
I purchased three of their products: The Conditioning Shampoo, Rinse-Out Conditioner and the Weekly Treatment.
Oddly, the Weekly Treatment is a before you shampoo type of thing. You also have the option of doing it on dry or wet hair. It just seemed weird to do it on dry hair so I wet my hair up and applied it throughout my hair.
I really don't know if I have heat damage or not because I don't know what my hair looked like wet when I was little. My mom was always quick to blow-dry my hair and flat iron it. It wasn't until I was in high school and started doing my own hair that I noticed I had a slight wave pattern. So this picture below is what my hair looks like wet.
After about 40 minutes of being under the dryer I got from up under that thang! This is what it looked like after wards.
Then I went in with the Shampoo and Conditioner and once again this is what my hair looked like.
Then I went through a dilemma of whether or not I was going to flat iron my hair. I decided I didn't want to and to just do a braid out. A lazy braid out might I add. I don't have the type of rollers that you can put at the end of a braid so I just let it go free lol. This is actually the morning after...
...and this is what I got!
I wasn't really feeling it but my family all came over that day and were complimenting me on my hair so I guess it wasn't too bad. Usually if I want to do a braid out I'll just cornrow my hair back so I decided to try something new.
Until next time....
<3 -B.